This is a Christmas screen I made many years ago, it is quite large. Around 6 feet high and 8 feet wide and it’s very heavy. It took me three months to make it. I painted it by laying the planks of wood on an ironing board and adjusting the height so a chair could be sat in beside it, so obviously the scene at the bottom was the easiest to do since the chair was at the bottom of the ironing board, the others I was beside it, making it more difficult, then after it was all painted and varnished, and every scene has two coats of the paint, so every scene was essentially painted twice. The planks were carried upstairs and I assembled them by attaching the brass hinges, then it was awkwardly carried down the stairs semi folded in on itself in a sling made out of a sheet with my mom at one end and me at the other.
It depicts the story, “‘Twas The Night Before Christmas.”